Subconscious (Part 1)

“I find myself increasingly critical of other people’s parenting. I think it’s a good thing I don’t have kids. I think I might be overly hands-on,” I confess to a fellow sans*.

Summer’s over, school’s back on, and I had a number of incidents where I had been perplexed: the decision of a friend who barely arranged for playdates to enroll her rather nocturnal daughter in a full-time pre-K program with no adjustment period; or my colleague’s comment that a full day of school was already excessive and kids didn’t need homework.

“Maybe the fact that you’re critical is you subconsciously wanting kids?” she suggested.

I hadn’t thought of it that way.


*Sans is a shorthand for “sans enfant” which in other parts of the world is generally referred to as “childless” or “childfree.” I find both terms loaded so excuse my French.